Re: [tied] Anouilh

From: Marc Verhaegen
Message: 8844
Date: 2001-08-29

>Well, this is how I pronounce things:
>"grenouille" [gRo"n'nui] (the ending is more [i] than [j])
>"Louis" [lu'i]
>"Anouilh" [anu'i]

No, it's [gR&'nuj] and [a'nuj].

>Why are the tonal accents different? I don't know, but I seem to be
>instinctively drawn to these pronunciations from subconscious
>imitation of native speakers. I would protest against "Louis" being
>monosyllabic except in very rapid speech perhaps.



>And yes, Anouilh looks unFrench. Kinda Portuguese-looking.

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