Re: [tied] Re: Ergative Stage of PIE

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 8713
Date: 2001-08-24

Mark O:
>He kills = he does murder/slaughter = he is a murderer/works in an
>abbatoir. "Kill" is also intransitive.
>I shoulda used another verb.

All this talk is killing me... or am I being killed by all this
talk? By all this talk, being the agent, am I, the patient, being
killed? Am I being killed by the abstract agent or by the passive
verb? Is that possible?? I suppose one could be killed by stranger
things, like accidentally placing your head in a bandsaw or the
excess consumption of Spam. What was the subject again? Was it
the same as the agent? If a patient falls in the forest,
does anybody hear? Speaking of patients, it's time for my
meds... Toodeleydoo!

gLeNny gEe
...wEbDeVEr gOne bEsErK!

email: glengordon01@...


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