
From: markodegard@...
Message: 8709
Date: 2001-08-24

Piotr writes:
--> One of the points I tried to make was that stress is
not a segmental feature but an autonomous phenomenon. In
a language with initial stress the first syllable of a
word may be reduced and deleted, while stress simply
finds a new syllable to anchor to. In Slavic, final yers
were weakened and lost even if originally stressed, and
stress was retracted from them to the preceding syllable.

Piotr will slap me around where I'm wrong, or misusing the

A blackbird cage
A black birdcage

In spoken Modern English, the only feature that separates these
'minimal pairs' is stress. Then, Piotr, can we say stress is
*phonemic* in English? (if phonemic is not the term, then what is

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