Re: [tied] Glen's Strange Rule

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 8673
Date: 2001-08-22

> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: erobert52@... <erobert52@...>
> BTW I think your suggestion:
> >a strange rule I've detected
> >in Tyrrhenian whereupon, if the first vowel is *a, the
> >otherwise initial accent is placed on the _second_ syllable.
> is really interesting. I've been wondering about this
> strange aphaeretic/prothetic /a-/ (and /e-/ too?) that keeps
> coming and going. This feature may be of relevance relating
> to /pan-/ etc. Ed. Robertson
> Yes, it's a very strage rule. Are there comparable examples in
other languages? Why with *a-?
> Marc

For what it's worth: What is this strange rule in English that causes
Cápri to become /k&prí/? I believe I've the same rule used to German
surnames by English speakers, but I can't recall which now.


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