From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 8672
Date: 2001-08-22
>I see on your home page that you're moving away from Winnipeg with
> Chris:
> >>I don't know - must be a conspiracy to hide the truth, hunh?
> Torsten:
> >But if there is no conspiracy, who set up the Looney alert? Gotcha!
> Don't worry, Torsten. I've called in some professional people
> wearing pretty white coats that can help you just like they helped
> me! Just sit back and relax. If you hear a knock at the door, just
> open it and do whatever the doctors tell you to do. The jacket
> they tie you in is just in order to prevent injury. Good luck with
> your recovery!
> -------------------------------------------------
> gLeNny gEe