Re: [tied] Re: PIE for "eel"

From: João S. Lopes Filho
Message: 7878
Date: 2001-07-14

There were attempts to connect *e:laz with Greek *egkhe:lys (-e:lus).
Other possibility is to analyze *e:laz as *es-los, perhaps a root *es- related to Latin esox "pike", Slav jeseteru "sturgeon", and a Celtic word for salmon that I forgot now.
----- Original Message -----
From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Re: PIE for "eel"

The trick won't work. The sequence *-ngWH- can only give -ng(w)- across the board in Germanic. Vernerian alternations are only possible in words containing an original medial voiceless stop, e.g. -onk^- > PGmc. -anx-/-ang- (depending on the location of stress) > -a~x/-ang- (the deletion of the nasal is conditioned by the following velar fricative), etc. Not that I support the "water-worm" analysis. All we have is PGmc. *e:l-a-z, external cognates unknown.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 10:48 AM
Subject: [tied] Re: PIE for "eel"

My NuDansk Ordbog says of ål, Aal, eel etc "of unknown origin". But
all we need is -ng- to relate it to the anguilla. So how about using
the old Germ. "Hengst" vs N.Gmc "hest" trick again (ng > ng, nX >

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