Re: Neptune, Poseidon, Danu, etc.

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 7789
Date: 2001-07-04

--- In cybalist@..., "Piotr Gasiorowski" <gpiotr@...> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eris
> To: cybalist@...
> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 9:02 PM
> Subject: [tied] Neptune, Poseidon, Danu, etc.
> > [snip] Now, someone mentioned the possibility of *Potis-Da:nuom.
Is -om on Da:nuom supposed to be the genetive ending in IE? And, if
so, what is the -s ending for on Potis? (And why wouldn't it be -ei
or -e or something of the sort?) Would it be reasonable to think
that the full version of that would have been Nepotisda:nuom?
> I don't remember exactly who proposed what in the heat of that old
discussion, but:
> (1) *-om is the normal PIE ending,
> (2) *potis is the form,
> so something like *potis da:nwom was supposed to be a phrase
meaning "lord of the waters".
> > I think something along the lines of Poseidahon was also
suggested. If someone could remind me again, why
the "dahon", "daon", "danuom", or whatever it was? Is that what was
derived from the IE *dan*/*dheu/*dhen word?
> Archaic versions of Poseidon's name include uncontracted
<poseidao:n>, <poteidawo:n>, <poti:dao:n> and the like.
> My own view, BTW, is that the "PIE word" in question, insofar as it
is reconstructable at all, is *d(a)h2nu-s ('[big] river'?) with the
adjectival derivative *dah2neu-jo-s. I'm rather sceptical of deriving
too much from it.
> Piotr

Re: *pot-
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