Writing text in PIE?

From: Anthony Appleyard
Message: 7111
Date: 2001-04-17

How much new writing of connected text in PIE has been done? The only
example that I know of is Schleichter's fable about the sheep and the
horses, but its copyright's holders refuse to let it be copied except
as part of a big expensive book, and 50 years haven't passed since the
death of whoever revised it last, so it is out of reach of being
legally quoted or discussed online. (Unless someone is brave enough to
"cross the Rubicon" and put it on the WWW regardless.)

I was tempted to have a go at translating into PIE this fable about a
lamb and a wolf. I found two versions of it in French on a book about
French. Both versions were written so long ago that they are now out
of copyright. Hereinafter "you" is singular and "y'all" is plural.
A lamb was playing in a stream.
A wolf said to the lamb "You have muddied my drink. I will prosecute
ou for that.".
The lamb said "But I was well downstream from you".
The wolf said "But you have muddied it. And my father died becase of yu".
The lamb said "How can I be responsible for something that happened
before I was born?".
The wolf said "If it wasn't you, it was one of your people. Y'all have
scarcely spared me, y'all, y'all's shepherds, and y'all's dogs.".
And the wolf seized the lamb and took him away, and in the bottom of
the forest ate him.
The rich always turn the law to get what they want.