Re: Mercury and lead

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 6798
Date: 2001-03-27

--- In cybalist@..., "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...> wrote:
> Torsten pouts:
> >This exchange of ideas is a very good example of what I have grown
> >expect when I mention the possible connection between heavy metal
> >and general decline and decay in some particular
> >society: Initial denial, then curiosity, then a stream of verbal
> >abuse; [...] Anybody still interested in the pain and suffering
and general
> >paranoia and cruelty that heavy metal poisoning may cause I call
on to go
> >to the medical department of your place of >learning and pick some
books on
> >toxicology at random and read the >chapters on mercury and lead.
> Torsten, so far I refuse to be bothered by your strange and
misguided ideas.
> You are who you are. Of course there is alot of suffering and
madness caused
> by metal poisoning. That's not the issue. The issue is that you are
using it
> to explain everything and you're becoming annoying to those who
desire an
> intelligent, well-rounded conversation.
> As you can judge by my name, I'm predominantly of Irish descent. To
> that the admittedly crazy behaviour of some individuals and groups
> Ireland (vis-a-vis Catholics and Protestants) is caused only and
truely by
> metal poisoning is outright childish. For this, you deserve the
> comments thrusted towards you.
> I'll let you in on a dangerously frank secret concerning my father.
He had a
> cute little pet name for me as a kid. He'd call me "retarded" or
"stupid" or
> pretty much any adjective to run my self-esteem to the ground and
build his
> own up. He'd do loony things like spank the living daylights outta
me at the
> dinner table if I wasn't eating fast enough for his liking. Yes, it
> like he would drink a 12-pack of beer every day right through my
> and adolescence. He'd mentally abuse my mother too. He'd also call
> affectionate names like "whore", "slut" and "asshole". Nothing says
> like calling your spouse a whore, I always say. I personally find
it amazing
> that his liver is still functioning. I can only hope that I've
inherited the
> sturdiness of his organs. Clearly, however, his thinking processes
> irreversibly affected and so there _is_ justice in this world
> Sufficed to say, I choose not to speak to my father anymore and I'd
> rather have coffee with my mother.
> Now, are you going to continue to be an idiot on this List and
blame my
> childhood trauma and that of many other persons suffering from
> alcoholism on metal poisoning too, Torsten? No, I choose not to
believe that
> you would be so warped. I think alcoholism is obviously far more
> available as an explanation in this case to explain my father's
> behaviour.
> What's the lesson here? If we must stubbornly take an uneducated
view and
> restrict ourselves to only physical factors to explain individual
and social
> behaviours, we still have many factors to choose from: drug
> abuse/alcoholism, ergot poisoning, metal poisoning, malnutrition,
> poisoning, etc. There are still many other important factors to
> human behaviour such as mythology, societal values, xenophobia, etc
> escape your narrow reasoning. This is unfortunate because you will
> ignorant and often offensive as a result. Your vast knowledge on
> poisoning when misapplied means little to many on this list. Your
views are
> simply too shallow to consider. If your intent is comedy, you're
not very
> funny. If your intent is to learn, you're not listening very
> - gLeN
Obviously, I must have hit something.
I never claimed metal poisoning was the sole agent of evil in the
world, only that its role had been groosly underestimated. As to the
Irish, I (or rather Luigi Greco) was talking about gluten
intolerance, not heavy metal poisoning. Gluten intolerance, when
undiscovered and untreated, leads to dementia and death. I suggest
you read up on gluten intolerance before you turning your irascible
Irish temperament on me.

As to dangerous secrets, I've been through a mercury poisoning
myself, as you might have suspected. The effects on your mind are:
stubbornly clinging to ideas, rigidity of mind, creativty,
aggressivenes, cruelty to others... The readers of this list will
probably be much more capable of discovering these effects in my
postings than I am myself.

end of personal gripe.


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