Re: [tied] Albanian connection

From: a96_aeu@...
Message: 6267
Date: 2001-03-01

--- In cybalist@..., "Piotr Gasiorowski" <gpiotr@...> wrote:
> Your attempt to compare <Illyrian> with words like <lirë> or <yll>,
is like groping in the dark at random.

Hello Piotr and thank you for paying consideration to what I wrotte.
As I have mentioned in my post, I am not a linguist and what I was
writting about with any small exception were not my own thesis.
It was a questioning of opinion mentioning the explanation of
<Illyrian> in some Albanian words. The thesis the <Illyrian> is
related to <i lirë> is brought - as far as a know - long ago by
German linguists, and a few have spoken against this.
I think the logic to follow was the turning into slaves of many
groups of people by Greeks and Romans, at a time when Illirians were
still <free people>.
I thought that you might have read about those thesis before, because
they are common not only in Albania.

Piotr wrotte:
Illyrian was spoken more than 2000 years ago, and disappeared almost
without a trace.

Is this for sure ?

To compare it directly with modern Albanian only in order to glean a
few eye-catching resemblances is a methodological error.

I understand what you mean. But do you know how <i lirë> was called
in old Albanian dialects ?

...(it is enough to reflect to what extent Latin loanwords in
Albanian have been affected, e.g. mjek < medicu-, or prind < parente-

That is why I was mentioning that "the", "tha" doesn´t ocurr to me to
be found in Italian. It must be a pure ancient Albanian word.
You didn´t comment the suggestion (also not mine) that <the>, <tha>
(e thëna = spoken word, á thán = is said) is to be found in <Athene>
as God of Speech.

As what regards Latin there is at least one form I personaly think it
should have been borrowed from ancient Albanian, which is <prince>,
<principe>, <principel> all connected to leading <prij>(alb.).
But the very origin of <prij> has to be found in the word <of origin>
which is <prej>.
<Prej nga je ?> = <Where are you from ?>
<Prej nga vjen ?> = <Where do you come from ?>
The answer is <prej..> = <from...>... origin.
In Geg we find sometimes <prij> to have the same meaning as <prej>,
but in generally in both dialects <prej> and <prij> show contrary
<prej> = <from>.. as origin, the past (another meaning is <to cut>).
<prij> = <ahead>, <lead>.. as the future.
From <prij> has derived <prijës>, <prij´s>, <prinës> (ai prin,
prandaj është prinës), <prin´s>, <prin´c> = leader, the head a group
of people.

<Na priftë udha e mbarë !> ~ may we be led to the right way, may the
way ahead us be the right one.

<A principe> is what leads you through your life.


> Before you compare an Albanian word with anything outside Albanian,
you should first examine its history and learn what it looked like in
the past. The "star" word <(h)yll>, for example, derives ultimately
from PIE *sh2ul- 'sun'; the reconstructed older stages of its
development do not resemble <Illyr-> at all ..

The connenction with <(h)yll> (aslo this is not my thesis) was in the
which might have taken the form <HYLL>.

(quite apart from the question why the Illyrians should have called
themselves the Starry or Sunny Folk).

Another connetcion of the Illyrian to Albanian is said to be the name
of Illyrian King Bardhylis = Bardhë (H)Ylli (the White Star).
Now, the word <bardhë>(alb.)=<white> is said to be a Thracian one. I
don´t know if it has survived in any another language except
Albanian, but the most important thing is the connection of Albanian
to Thracian.
I don´t know if Thracians lived at the same time as Illyrians. This
might be something you would give a better answer then me.
Another question is: Was Thracian an Illirian dialect as some people
suggest ?

Going back to <Bardhylis>, if the thesis above (which is not mine) is
true, then it would be no wonder why people who name their king <The
White Star> would call themselves <Starry>.

Quite apart from what I have written above, this kind of question has
to be raised:
Do the Greeks call themselves Greeks ?
Do Albanians call themselves Albanians ?
Did Illyrians call themselves Illyrians ?

> Again, you compare <thotë> with the "matching" <Thoth>, <Teuta> and
<thought>, but in doing so you ignore the history of the languages in
question and the structure of the words...

Piotr, thank you for explaining me the origins of the words. Not
being a linguist it is a bitt hard for me to understand your
explanations as it should.
What regards the comparison of <Thoth> to <Thotë>, as I have
mentioned, is not done by me, but by the Italian linguist Giovanni
Catapano in his book "Thoth parlava albanese", which was the result
of 40 years of study.

> I have no idea what the correct etymology of "Illyrian" is, because
almost nothing is known about the Illyrian language(s) in general.

Then you cannot have any idea how the etymology of "Teuta" is. You
can not also say that you know that "Illyrian" doesn´t have to do
with <i lirë> or <(h)ylli> or with old Albanian at all.
And you could always say that the name "Illyrian" was given them by
some other people.

I still think Albanian gives etymologists a good chance to deciphre -
- with the help of logic - so called dead languages as Illyrians,
Etruscian or even old Greek.

Didn´t you bring in this forum a post written in some journal about
the affinity of Etruscian to Albanian ?

Piotr, thank you again for the other explanations in your post.
Alvin Ekmekciu

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