Re: Language - Area - Routes
From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 6060
Date: 2001-02-12
Some more stuff:
H.E.Davidsons commentaries to her translation of Saxo:
The phrase "รก stodhum Danpar", by the shores of the Dniepr, is found
in the Icelandic poem The Battle of the Goths and the Huns,8 and the
name also appears in Atlakvidha 5. There is a king Danpr in the
Icelandic genealogies. The latin abstract of the lost Skjoldunga
saga, composed around 1200, refers to a king Dan I, with a son Danpr
and a daughter Dana, who married Rigr and had a son who was Dan II.
Chronicon Lethrense: Dan saved the Danes from an attack by (an?)
emperor Augustus, and the Jutes then chose him for a king, together
with the men of Fyn and Scania, so that the country of Denmark took
his name.
Jordanes uses the old name Danaper for Dniepr.
Dudo in his history of the Normans believes Danes are descended from
Danai. Saxo disputes this.
Saxo book 6: (about Starcedius)
"Afterwards at Byzantium, relying on his stamina, he wrestled with
and overthrew a supposedly invincible giant, Tanna, and compelled him
to seek unknown lands {ignotas terrarum partes petere coegit} by
branding him an outlaw. As no cruelty of fate had hitherto managed to
cheat this mighty man of his conquests, he invaded Polish territory
and there fought in a duel and defeated a champion called by our
people Vaske, a name familiar to the Teutons un der the different
spelling of Wilcze."
HED commentary:
The name Tanni here is probably formed from Tanais,...
TP: An invasion of Poland! Piotr won't like this.
Saxo says Odin had his capital in Byzantium.
Snorri "Heimskringla": Asgard (the home of the gods) was at Tana-
kvisl in Asia and therefore they are called Asir.
Snorri "Edda": The gods came from Troy in Turkland, as the Roman
Odin conquered Scandinavia and settled in Odense on Fyn.
This is traditionally considered nonsense. But I have seen more
fantastic claim in this list.
Tana-kvisl is Don-branch. There is a place-name "Kvissel" where the
sea-lane to Odense branches(tw- > kw, cf German "quer" vs
English "athwart"). This means Asgard would have been at Rostov-na-
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