Essay about the Iberians

From: Alounis@...
Message: 5999
Date: 2001-02-09

Dear Cyril, thank you for your site and your works. The Grammar of
Lydian has been very profitable for me. I'm 39 years old and a
Linguistic amateur, Spanish.
I want to comment about the work "Materials about the Iberians and the
Iberian Language". About this strange language is little accord between
specialists, it is true, but the word <eban> is not probably a verb,
but the Iberain word for "son". So, a formula <nerseatin balkeatin
eban> must be "Nerseatin Balkeatin's son"; it is an imitation of the
Latin funerary formula, and <eban> is sometimes abbreviated to <e>,
imitating Latin F for FILIUS.
Moreover, the postpositive <-mi> usually goes behind the particle <-en>
or the particle <-ar>, that are the authentic marks of Genitive.
<Alostibas-ar-yi> must be "I-am(yi)-of(ar)-Alostibas" (proprietary's
mark on a vessel).
I apologize for this little discussion about this Non Indo European but
very quaint language, that needs to clarify some expanded
misinformations. Thanks.