From: MCLSSAA2@...
Message: 5990
Date: 2001-02-09
> PIE had, as far as we can tell by what they did to the vowels, threeSome people talk about two different H1's. If so, one was /?/ and the
> laryngeals: *h1, *h2 and *h3. It is not known exactly how they were
> pronounced, but some of the options can be narrowed down. *h1 must
> have been /?/ or /h/, a weak sound that disappeared everywhere.
> *h2 was maintained in Anatolian as velar /x/ (or uvular /X/), andI think it was epiglottal /H/ as Arabic in e.g. the name /Muh2ammad/.
> it's reasonable to suppose this was also its original value
> (pharyngeal/epiglottal /H/ is another possibility).
> *h3 is the hardest to pin down, and opinions vary between that itI think it was /3/, the ayin sound. In my mouth at least, it tends to
> didn't exist at
> all (as defended here by Piotr), through that it was a labialized
> variant of any of the above (/?w/, /hw/, /xw/), or that it was a
> voiced sound (velar /G/, uvular /R/ or pharyngeal/epiglottal /3/).
> The most interesting thing about the Iberian script (not alphabet!)I tried to look at that page just now, twice, and it has gone 404.
> is ... <>):