From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 5975
Date: 2001-02-08
> --- In cybalist@..., tgpedersen@... wrote:used
> > I fail to see he has explained to me "very clearly the origin and
> > meaning of the term". He did have (in an earlier mail) a possible
> > origin of the the word but not a definitive one. Concluding from
> > this, as you do, that the term is "completely meaningless" when
> > of fourth century Slavs, is, shall we say, jumping toconclusions.
> Icontained
> > suggest you take up the matter with mr Grammaticus himself.
> > It has nothing to with "hurt feelings", but with... allow me a
> quote:
> > "It is not enough to be right, you have to be polite, too"
> >
> > Torsten
> You (I hope accidently) just didn't cite the postings which
> the proper explanation. Again,might
> all the mentions of Rutheni(Lat.)/hoi' Rho:~s(Greek) in contexts
> where their ethnicity is clearly identified (for instance,
> anthroponymy and toponymy provided) indicate their Germanic origin,
> their language probably being close to Old Norse. If it's really
> important, I can provide you with concrete examples, but, as it
> be time-consuming (I wouldn't like to to quote from memory), I needYes, you're right. But the point I (or rather "Hemming") was trying
> your indication of such importance.
> In turn, would YOU provide us with any evidence the term Rutheni
> could be applied to Slavs before X c.?
> Sergei