Re: Language - Area - Routes

From: S.Tarasovas@...
Message: 5968
Date: 2001-02-08

--- In cybalist@..., tgpedersen@... wrote:
> --- In cybalist@..., S.Tarasovas@... wrote:
> > --- In cybalist@..., S.Tarasovas@... wrote:
> > I've just re-read the inscription's text and - wow! - UNGARI
> > (Madyars) in Noric in 477 (the date seemes to be copied from an
> > encyclopedical article on Odoacer)! A fraud.
> >
> > Sergei
> Yes, I posted first, and then saw the blow-up and spotted
the "Vngri"
> and wondered if I should recant in public. But did "Ungri" alwas
> Magyars (Finnish Venäjä = Russia (probably spelled wrong).

Finns followed Germanic tradition: <...< Venetae, already discussed
here (there is still a possibility < (Slavic) *Ve,tic^i). Latvians
name of Russians derives from another tribonym - *Krivic^i (those who
contributed most to the idiom of the birch bark inscriptions).
Lithuanians long called East Slavs gu`dai (also discussed here, I
insisted on relation to Goths).

> As for fights between Danes and Ruthenians, this item is from Saxo
> Grammaticus, not "Dan Hemming".

Ceterum censeo, we should ask Saxo himself about what he meant by
Ruthenians. I'm even not sure he meant East Slavs.
