--- In cybalist@..., tgpedersen@... wrote:
> As to the antiquity of the term "Ruthenian" see
> http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/groups/ukraine_hp/artifacts.html
I wouldn't comment Stojko's text just for the sake of politeness.
It's a pity people expend their (preciuos) time in reading such stuff.
The only quote worth commenting is ODOACER REX RHUTHENORUM. If this
is not a counterfeit (I've never heard of it), it mentions a king of
a *Germanic* tribe (that's what I wrote about proper Rutheni). The
famous Odoacer of V c. was proably from Sciri (lived close to
Rugi/Rutheni before the the Great Migrations), but well could be from
Rugi/Rutheni (we have some evidence that lets us to treate this
trybonims as being equal).
If you are not sure about whether Odoacer is a Germanic name, may be
somebody (Piotr?) can provide us with it's etymology?