--- In cybalist@..., Håkan Lindgren <h5@...> wrote:
> I've been looking at the Etymological Dictionary of Indoeuropean
Roots at the TIED site. I found, among the Germanic examples of the
root *an-, *anH- (spirit, breath) a Swedish word "and" which is said
to mean "breathing". Well, it doesn't. It means "duck." A couple of
good Swedish examples of this root are "ande" (spirit) and "andas"
(to breathe).
> Regards,
> Hakan
Which reminds me..
I think it's on Hallstatt decorations that you often find a duck and
the symbolic value of that animal is supposedly lost to us. How about:
breath spirit duck
Da. ånde ånd and
Sw. (andas) ande and
La. anim- anat-
So is the duck a symbol of the soul? (But then, I don't the
corresponding Celtic glosses)..