Re: [tied] Hermes etymology & anthropomorphic maps

From: Christopher Gwinn
Message: 5238
Date: 2000-12-31

> It would seem that Hermes is derived from the polymorphic fire god
> (or should it be *Lukis < *leuk- "to shine"?) who frequently gets himself
> into mischief -> Celtic Lugh/Lleu, Norse Loki & Indic Agni.

I don't think that we can derive Lugus/Lug/Lleu from PIE *leuk-. First of
all, PIE -k- becomes Celtic -c-, so we need to propose a variant to *leuk,
PIE *leug- - I don't think this can be sufficiently proved.
Furthermore, I have only ever seen Loki derived from PIE *leug- "divide" (I
don't think that PIE -k- can give a Norse/Icelandic -k-; a derivative of PIE
*leuk, on the other hand, gives Old Icelandic logi "flame").
I personally see the fire/solar connection with Lug as being a late (and
often misunderstood) accretion. Much more likely that Lugus/Lug/Lleu are the
Celtic reflexes of Germanic *Watonaz.

Where do we have evidence of Lug/Lleu getting into "mischief?" Nowhere that
I have seen.

-Chris Gwinn