--- In
cybalist@egroups.com, "Piotr Gasiorowski" <gpiotr@...> wrote:
> Excuse my being blunt, but this is a *linguistic* list. ... I am
going to *ignore* any further pseudolinguistic postings and I suggest
other Cybalist members should do likewise. ... if Izzy is willing to
... talk sense, I cordially invite him to do so.
> Piotr
> --- In cybalist@egroups.com, João Simões Lopes Filho <jodan99@...>
> wrote:
> > Is there any good etymology for Greek god HERME:S (HERME:AS) ?
> > It's plausible connect him with the lunar god ARMASH, IRMASH, from
> Anatolia ? In this case Hermes would be some kind of Moon-God,
> although there's some other possible traits:
> > 1) The figure of the Trickster Messenger of Gods, the IE god of
Fire or the Messenger gods from Asia.
> > 2) The figure of the IE god of cattle and travellers, like Indian
> Pushan and the equally Greek Pa:n (< *Pauson)
> > Joao SL
Talking sense:
4. (cap.) the Roman god of commerce, thievery, eloquence, and science,
and messenger to the other gods: identified with the Greek god Hermes.
I believe the name Hermes literally "reverses" to produce L Mercurius
Heb MeRKuLiS. Compare Heb mem-lamed-aleph-khaf resh-tzadi MaL?aKH RaTZ
= running angel/messenger.
Metathesis produces Heb MaXaR to sell, merchandise, market. Compare
mogul = powerful/influential person.
The names of dangerous creatures/animals are often reversed when
comparing Hebrew with other languages. I call this process
"superstitious reversal". One doesn't want the creature to appear or
event to occur just because you say its name.
Contact me off list if you would like a list of similar reversals,
such as eLePhant/Hebrew PiL and SHaRK/Hebrew KaRiSH.
Israel Cohen