
From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Message: 5138
Date: 2000-12-21

I was thinking on non-Hesiodic 7 pairs of Titans...what they represent?
There are connection with the 7 planets, 7 days of week, but what are their "elemental" traits?
Kronos must be the "Air", he divided Earth and Sky. Maybe the other 6 couples represente Celestial/Earthly aspects - divided by the Air...
pairs like Celestial waters x Earth waters, Birds x Fishes, etc
I have I suspiction that Polynesian myth has something in common with Sumerian and maybe Greek.
So, let's try:
Hyperion/Theia : Sun : SUnday : Cattle (or Fire?)
Atlas/Phoibe : Moon : Monday : Plants
Kreios/Dione : Mars : Tuesday : Men
Koios/Metis : Merccury : Wednesday : Stars
Eurymedon/Themis : Jupiter : Thusrday : Celestial Waters/Storm/Clouds
Okeanos/Tethys : Venus : Friday : Earthly Waters
Kronos/Rhea : Saturn : Saturday : Air/Wind
Anyone help?