Re: [tied] PIE *h3 and PPIE **n

From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 5039
Date: 2000-12-13

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 19:43:38 -0200, João Simões Lopes Filho
<jodan99@...> wrote:

>marcus "hammer; big hammer" < *mart-icos <? *kmar-t-ikos, cognate of
>Marcellus, martellus. Maybe the words with -l are a dissimilation of m-n >

The -l/-n- stems (e.g. *sáh2wl, G. *sh2wén(o)s "sun") are a mystery to
me. All I can think of, but I haven't been able to convince myself,
is something like:

N. *sáh2w[@]lr > *sáh2w[@]ll > *sáh2wl
G. *s[@]h2wéln[@]s > *s[@]h2wénn[@]s > *sh2wéns

with /lr/ > /ll/ > /l/ and /ln/ > /nn/ > /n/.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal