Re: [tied] Re: The Birds - etymology found

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 4472
Date: 2000-10-22

Yes, but also because the place-of-articulation difference between theta and phi, which of course existed in Greek, was not made in Church-Slavic-influenced Russian. It's a natural type of confusion, like the Cockney pronunciation of "nothing" as "nuffink". Neither consonant occurred in the Proto-Slavic system of phonemes, though in several Slavic dialects historical *xw- came to be realised as [f]. In the oldest layer of Latin borrowings into early Mediaeval Polish Latin [f] (spelt "f" or "ph") is quite consistently replaced with [p], e.g. Szczepan < Stephanus, Lucyper < Lucifer, Pabian < Fabianus. In Polish, [f] became an independent phoneme about the 13th century.
----- Original Message -----
From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Re: The Birds - etymology found

Russ. Fadiej : Pol. Tadeusz < Thaddeus,
Russ. Fiodor : Polish Teodor < Theodo:ros,
Russ. Fiby : Pol. Teby < The:bai
Joao wrote:
This is because Polish (Catholic) received its loans through Latin (Th pronnounced like T) and Russian (Orthodox) received them from Greek (Th pronnounced fricative)