From "A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and
SHANI - The planet Saturn. The regent of that
planet, represented as a black man in black garments. Shani was a son of the sun
and Cha:ya: (...) He is also known as A:ra, Kona, and Kroda (cf.
Krónos), and by the patronimic Saura. His influence is evil, hence he is called
Kru:ra-drsh and Kru:ra-locana, 'the evil-eyed one'. He is also Manda 'the slow',
Pangu 'the lame', Sanaish-cara 'slow-moving'; Sapta:rci: 'seven-rayed' and Asita
'the dark'.
Any comments? Any parallel among another IE
people? The Irish Balor "evil-eyed' ? Hel "as being half-dark"?
Joao SL