Re: [tied] Ryabchikov

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 3767
Date: 2000-09-16

----- Original Message -----
From: Adriana Kamenetsky
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000 6:30 PM
Subject: [tied] Ryabchikov

Dear Adriana,
One can construct a totally fallacious or pseudo-scientific argument based on real and interesting evidence. For example, astrologers may use real positions and movements of astronomical bodies to create horoscopes, but this fact doesn't make astrology a respectable scientific discipline. Erich von Däniken often uses very interesting historical and archaeological data as a basis for fantastic speculation. Needless to say, he deserves little credit for popularising science.
If Mr Ryabchikov had written something cautious like "Scythians are to some extent our biological ancestors" or "Some of the peoples described as 'Scythians' by ancient geographers may have been Slavic speakers", I'm sure no-one would contest that. But he goes the whole hog and reaches conclusions that are patently absurd rather than merely far-fetched. Since he presents his findings in some detail, it is easy to see that whatever his command of history, his linguistic training is deficient to say the least, and his linguistic inferences cannot be taken seriously.
He arbitrarily matches Slavic words (or, more particularily, Russian words, as he seems to be blissfully unaware of what Proto-Slavic reconstructions look like or what their time-depth is) with superficially similar combinations of characters in other languages with no regard for methodological discipline, without noticing or adressing chronological and linguistic problems, and without considering alternative solutions. The results are grotesque, as when he confidently reads Kentauros as kon' ('horse' in modern Slavic) + tauros (with as much logic and rigour one might analyse Kentucky as kon' takoj 'such a horse', for horsebreeding is an important economic activity in Kentucky, and Nevada as ne voda 'not water', since ebybody knows how dry it is), or when he "deciphers" the Phaistos Disk and interprets the text in terms of his idiosyncratic "Proto-Slavonic".
A site which mixes sober information with unbridled fantasy in such an irresponsible manner has no educational value in my opinion, and can only confuse and misinform an unwary lay person. The content masquerades as science, but is not scientific as far as I'm competent to judge. Hence my very negative evaluation of it.
Beinn Mac an Gheairr's remarks were caustic indeed, but I don't think it was Ryabchikov's nationality that provoked Beinn -- or is there some secret Gaelic/Slavic feud I haven't heard about? I interpret Beinn's tone as an allergic reaction to Ryabchikov's own ethnocentric megalomania for which there is overabundant evidence on the pages in question.
Best regards,
Dear Piotr,
I just always respected this group for preserving its sober, academical, respectful character.
You cannot disagree that remarks by Mr. Beinn Mac an Gheairr were deragotory, touched with a flame of ethnic anthagonism. For me, they did not offer any substantial arguement to be offered publically. And I was quite surprised when you wrote:"I absolutely agree." 
Ryabchikov gives some historical facts of Russian history that are interesting ( I checked them out - they were right). The examples of Russian chronicals were also informative and based on true documents. Scythian genes are present in Southern Russians as well as Varangian ones are in Northern Russians. Scythians ARE forefathers to some extent.
You all discuss many subjects, agree and hotly disagree with each other. Looking for the truth. Yes, some Ryabchikov's ideas are farfetched, tinted by personal convictions and desires to be true ( we all have moments of this nature). However, some of his imformation is interesting, educational and fits the profile of this site. 
Scholars absorb the new information with detouched, objective attitude. Don't they?  No one should worry about Rome becoming Murom.
And, yes, I know that Moon is not a piece of cheese. I just wanted to take the fire at myself, being your true Matriarchal prototype by jumping on my horse and shooting at the heart of prejudice. 
                                                                               Adriana K.