Re: [tied] Re: Galicia.

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 3730
Date: 2000-09-15

----- Original Message -----
From: Bruno Maroneze
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 3:57 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Galicia.
Thanks for your remarks, Bruno.
Word-initial /Z/ ("zh", spelt <j>) in Portuguese corresponds to Galician /S/ ("sh", spelt <x>), and to Castilian /x/ (spelt <j>). We have a three-way contrast here, so this phenomenon does not bracket Galician and Castilian together. The Galician sound agrees with its Portuguese counterpart as to the place of articulation.
As for vowels, Galician does have a mid-high/mid-low contrast, and the acute accent (<é>, <ó>) is sometimes employed to indicate mid-open qualities, see
or, the same page in Galego:
Other "Portugoid" features include the replacement of /l/ with /r/ in clusters, as in praza 'square', branco 'white' or igrexa 'church' (cf. Castilian iglesia, Portuguese igreja).


Bruno wrote:

Speaking for myself (I'm Brazilian), I understand better the northern
portuguese dialects, and the Galician. I think I read an article, by
Lindley Cintra, about the resemblances between northern portuguese
and galician. Today there is a conference on galician language here
in the University, and maybe I can tell you more. But there is an
important phonetical/phonological difference between Galician and
Portuguese, which approximates Galician and Spanish: Galician does
not have the voiced alveolar fricative /z/, and the voiced palatal
fricative (like french "je"). For example: port. jornal - gal.
xornal; port. rosa (pronounced /roza/) - gal. rosa
(pronounced /rosa/). I wish to know if Galician has, like Portuguese,
opposition between open and close e/o; spanish does not have this