Re: [tied] Re: More tidbits about the painfully obvious origins of

From: Marc Verhaegen
Message: 3167
Date: 2000-08-16

>Glen, lets look at the genetics. Not a single one of C-S's Principal
>Component maps, for either Europe or Asia show a population group
>moving from the Central Steppes to the West (even despite the later
>Turkic and Mongol invasions). Instead the principal component for
>both Europe and Asia is out of the middle east (reflecting the out of
>Africa movements). The second in both is in Arctic areas, one
>Samoyed, the other Saami. The Third for Europe is Basque. For Asia
>it is the separation between North and South Mongols. The Fourth for
>Europe is the Pontic Steppe, for Asia it is Jomon Japanese (and
>Gilyak!) So there seems to be no extensive movement of human genes
>in this direction.

If IE came from north-east-Europe, C-S's 2d component could have been IE? or
IE+Uralic+Altaic for Eurasia: from the north? = Boreal rather than Steppe?
perhaps these peoples travelled south during a cold period?? = 25-20 ka?
I haven't seen C-S's components for Asia, but his 3d component for Europe
has its centre in Ukraine, isn't it? AFAIK, the 4th has its centre in Greece
(or Greece+NW-Turkey), the 5th in Viskaya.
