Re: [tied] Re: Gimbutas.

From: Marc Verhaegen
Message: 3110
Date: 2000-08-13

>Marc asked
>> Aurignacian evolved into Gravettian in Europe you mean?
>> And they probably colonized Europe from E to W? (cf. late
>> neandertals in Iberia)
>> Where is Bacho Kiro in Bulgaria? (couldn't find it in my atlas)
>I'll dig out the coordinates and get them to you.

Thanks a lot!

>Regarding dog domestication
>> So anatomically it's mesolithic, though genetically dog & wolf DNA
>> seems to have split more than 100 ka. At first dogs & wolves were
>> no doubt indistinguishable anatomically.
>The 100 ka split has been recently questioned. It seems that 100ka
>was the date of the split of the extinct Middle Eastern wolves from
>the Eurasian wolf.

Ah? interesting!

>> John, is the European late Paleolithicum believed to be an
>> indigenous evolution? or did the Solutrean or Magdalenian got
>> foreign influences? (your
>> second wave into Europe? Ibero-Maurasian?)
>It is generally assumed that Magdalenian was indigenous. The
>existence of the Solutrean assemblage as a separate technology has
>been recently called into doubt. John

Thanks, John.


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