From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 2408
Date: 2000-05-10
May be. But1. The so called third palatalization acted much later than RUKI rule (with its cognates in Baltic and Indo-Iranian).( Cf. such amazing examples from beech bark inscriptions like вьхъ 'all' etc. They show that in North Krivichian dialect of Old Russian this palatalization hadn't been completed yet by the X-XI cc).2. So we can suppose the following development:*pis-o-/-u->*piS-o-/-u->*pьxъ>*pьs'ь>various derivates in Slavic languages with 'hardened' (depalatalized) s and consecutive involving of the word in -o-stem paradigms (qiute normal developement). By the way, why the -u- stem is reconstructed?SergeiThe development proposed by myself is highly unprobable due to existance of the Slavic form *pьsь̆jь 'dog's'. RUKI-rule development woud give **pьxьjь>**pьšь̆jь.Sergei