From: John Croft
Message: 1862
Date: 2000-03-14
> 1. The route taken by PIE/PU speakers north from Africa seems to haveeast.
> been via a chain of mesolithic cultures through Anatolia, the Balkans
> and hence the Pontic Steppes and Urals
> 2. The route taken by Proto-Altaic speakers north from Africa seems to
> have been via another chain of mesolithic cultures in the Zagros,
> Trans-Caspian, Transoxus to the Yenesei Basin and points north and
> The Caucasas seem to have been a culture barrier, there is not much
> connection between the Zarzian derived Kobystan of the Araxes mouth
> the steppe Mesolithic cultures northwards (i.e. proto-Kartvellian).It seems that Zarzian may have been the proto-Steppe and Proto-Eurasian
> By the way, these two alternative Out of Africa routes accords wellis
> with the genetic evidence too...
> So how do we get Boreal cultures to Chukotia and Kamchatka? Are you
> saying that Inuit (Eskimo) of Greenland is closer to PIE due to its
> connection within Boreal, than are the Altaic languages, Glen? That
> what your family tree implies. If so, let me know and I'll go huntingPerhaps the Boreal connection can be made to work with a movement north
> out the archaeology and genetics of this reconstruction to see if it
> holds sense.