From: Glen Gordon
Message: 1133
Date: 2000-01-25
>If you find a copy of Karlgren's grammata serica recensa (1967, TheI would have expected you would call it "in-valuable" but since you place no
>museum of Far eastern antiquities), I will tell you the references to
>related phonetic series (this book gives old reconstructions that
>nobody on earth believes, but puts together words with the same
>phonetic, which makes this book an unvaluable reference.
>There are NO real reconstructions for Sino-tibetan. The only I am >aware ofHmm, well it's not Starostin that I saw because it's void of laryngeals. I
>are Starostin & Pejros 1995, South Coblin 1986 and Benedict >1972.
>>The forms that I recognize are the forms I see from many sourcesAlright. A pronoun "la" is attested in the first person singular? This could
>>together with much direct and self-evident justification: *nga "I"
>>and *nei "you". No
>OK, look at Chunqiu chinese pronominal system :
>1sg a/nga 1pl b/ngaj? MC : ngu ngaX
>2sg b/na? 2pl b/naj? MC : nyoX nyeX
>Now look at Shang oracle bone chinese :
>1sg a/la 1pl b/ngaj? MC : yo ngaX
>2sg b/na? 2pl b/naj? MC : nyoX nyeX
>kulou < MC khu luw < a/kha a/lu (in fact, in my opinion, rather a/k->lu,Skeptical but I'll let it pass due to my lack of knowledge to follow
>with a prefix.
>>Dual, Trial? Only numerals up to six?? What on earth are you babblingYes, they are called "Australian" and "Papuan" languages because they are
>>about. This is an assertion of a negative that is unprovable.
>provable : australian or papuan languages often lack numerals above
>three. Besides, many languages such as Austro-asiatic count in base >5.
>There is a trace of this in chinese :Erh, this isn't a trace of much. Granted the forms have influenced each
>"two" nyijH < b/nits
>"seven" tshit < b/s-hnit
>AC : baet < a/bratAlright, we'll drop the *-y-. No prob.
>tibetan loaned it strangely, it added a yod. Anyway, it might be due >to
>the coloration of the vowel by -r- by the time of loaning. Compare
>bjenH < bron-s siamese plian.
>>*minrac, whose reasons for the semantic shift have already beenNote: Nostratic *lil, *lilmu "four"
>>explained). Plus, medial *m regularly becomes Vasconic *w and then
>>often disappears
>>altogether in Basque as in *sulmu -> *hirwu -> hiru or *limu ->
>>*lawu -> lau
>funny, it "looks like" AN lima, paiwan rima "5". But it is the wrong
> > DeneCaucasian *m-hutL "eye":Whoops, sorry. I knew I would goof on one of these words. Hmm, as far as the
> >
> > SinoTibetan (OChin my�k, Tibetan myik)
>mjuwk < AC b/mriwk (This word is nasty, Sagart proposed b/mr-liwk to
>explain word family connections but I am not convinced)
>the tibetan word is mig, not "myik".