Re: Just Joined, got lots of questions -help?
From: Alexander Stolbov
Message: 385
Date: 1999-12-02
<<Assuming, that the Philistines were from Crete - does that mean they were
of the original inhabitants i.e. Minoans or the Achaean/Mycenaen Greeks
who are thought to have invaded and taken over Crete in 1450 BCE and
who were in turn probably invaded circa 1250 BCE?>>
As Diodor (V, 80) informs us there was one more ethnic component among Crete
inhabitants: Pelasgians. By the way, they were the next after Eteocretians
(sorry, if spelling is wrong) and came there earlier then Dorians (folk # 3). By
the way, the folk # 4 was "a mixture of barbarians".
L.Gindin & V.Tsymburski in their book "Homer and History of the Eastern
Mediterranean" write that
Palaistine (or Palaiste) was the name of a seashore territory in Epirus (Caes.
Bel. civ. 3, 6; Lucan, V,460; Lyd. de mag. III, 46). A variant of the name of
Zeus from Dodona (Illiad, XVI, 233) is Pelastikos instead of Pelasgikos.
A speculation: Palaistine, Pelasgian, Pw-r-s-tj and Philistine are 4 variants of
the same name of a folk (correspondingly - original, Greek, Egyptian and Semitic
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