Re: [tied] Greek "sala-"

From: alex_lycos
Message: 17892
Date: 2003-01-21

aap_br@... wrote:
> Fellow listers,
> IŽve been just watching for some time. I wasnŽt going to write so
> soon, but I think I must contribute to this topic
> In Portuguese we say "salmoura". Or "salmoira" - the "ou"/"oi"
> variation is common in Portuguese. Other examples, with the most
> common form first: "coisa"/"cousa" (thing), "touro"/"toiro" (bull)
> According to my resources, "salmoura" comes from Greek "halmyris",
> via Late Latin "salemoria"
> "Halmyris" = "salt water", and it appears in "halmirólise", a Geology
> term that means "decomposition of rocks under sea waters"
> IŽm not sure, since I donŽt have any information to corroborate this
> statement, but is it possible that word halmyris passed to Latin,
> then came back to Greek with other loanwords in the Middle Ages
> (like "porta", for instance?)

this should possible I guess. The problem in this case will resolve the
" what means in latin 'moria' ?". That means it shouldn't mean anything
but it is just a loanword from Greek.
But the Romanian "moare" which is supposed to be the root of the verb "
a mura " is given as coming _maybe_ ( accentuated of DEX) from Latin
In this case, the first question is not resolved at all since in Latin
should then have been the word "moria". About the semantism of the word
I don't speak/ask because it seems it plays no role the semantism in
Latin and the semantism in Romanian, the relation between Latin &
Romanian words being accepted " as it is" , just on the basis of
phonological similarities.

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