Re: [tied] caleo was [calendar]

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 17305
Date: 2003-01-01

regular reg wrote:
> Try with Slavic KOLEDO which has connection with celebrating new year
> (customs) and the Sun. People that take part in celebrating Christmas
> still use old pagan customs and are called - KOLEDARI. Slavic word
> for calendar is KALENDAR

It seems to be the same word if there could be taught the Slavic
languages assimilated the "n" before "d".
I am thinking at "colind" and its plural form "colinduri"= celebrating
songs . The people who take part at these rituals are called
"colindãtori" in Romanian.

> On the other hand, the Slavs could not get this word from Romans
> because (and according to Berlin school of history) they were not
> present in the Balkans at the time however, they (Slavs) were
> celebrating KOLEDA long before they were converted to Christianity.

It doesn't seems too strange to me. In their way to south the Slavs
found first the Getae and I don't see what will speak against of Slavs
taking a lot of rituals and words from the Thracians. In fact the
Bulgarian historiography speaks about their "substratum" as being
Thracian as well:-)

> Also, Slavic languages are rich with root KLT for instance - klada,
> klati, kolo, okoliti, opkoliti, kleti, proklinjati, zaklinjati,
> klatno, kladiti, klatiti, etc.

I don't think here the cluster "klt" has something to do with "calo" .
If you take a look at the etymology of English word "call" you will get
as follows:

call (v.) - O.E. ceallian, clipian, replaced by O.N. kalla "to cry
loudly," from P.Gmc. *kallojanan, from PIE base *gol- "to scream,

I find very interesting to see the P.Gmc *kallojan here, this word being
the name of Ionita Caloian , being too the Romanian tradition of calling
"caloianul" = the one who bring the rain, in connection with "colind"
celebrating songs and in connection with "colaceri".

Colaceri= friends of the fiancé which are riding on horses to the father
of the bride and they sing ritual songs and ask the father to do not try
any resistance because they will take the girl for their friend, the
fiancé. This is a ritual on the wedding-day. I don't think there is a
connection between Rom. cal= horse and the word "colãcer".
There is the same root "col-" = to invoke or to scream and not "cal" and
the "colãceri" are invoking too magic songs . It seems more probably to
be in direct connection with all the stuff from before but not with
"cal"= horse.

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