Re: [tied] Re: The Tongue

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 17301
Date: 2003-01-01

richard.wordingham@... wrote:
> This is a belated reply to Message 17254..
> . Alex suggested that Latin
> sanguinare should have yielded Romanian *sa^mbinare,not si^ngera.
> However, Latin gue, gui yield Romanian ge, gi, just as que, qui yield
> ce, ci. - Richard.

I quote here the explanation from Rosetti:

"sanguine > sânge shows a different treatment as expected ; the lost of
labial element could be explained through the presence of "e" which has
palatalised the precedent consonant. The Sardic language doesn't know
this phenomena: log. sambine (cf. and log. "ambizua", campid. "abizui" <
sanguisuga"). "
Of course Rosetti doest loose a word about the tribe of "singi" and the
toponym Singidava. Too there is no comparation with the actual toponym
"sângerul", the arbre "sânger" where "it seems" there are pure
coincidences as usual.

For "gui > gi"
lat inguine > rom. îmbina = to put together, you see the exception again
since there should have been expected "îngina"

For "gue > gi" here is no example of a Latin "gue" yielding a Rom "ge".
At least I could not find any and I tried to find some words but it
seems there is no one.

For "que > ce " . I don't want to bring here the interrogative pronoun
since they have a special treatment. But even here we see that Latin
"quid" > Rom. "ce" where i>e . Rom "ci" is given as a coming from Rom.
"ce" not from lat. "quid" and has an another semantism . "ci"= kind of
"bat": " nu aSa ci aSa"= not this way, but this way".

The word "încet, încetinel"= quiet or slow, which is supposed to derive
from Latin qu(i)etus is a composition of "in" +"cetinel" and has its
counterpart in "cãtinel" which is supposed to come from lat. "cautelo"
where the semantism as usual doesn't match.

"înceta"=to stop an action, to die, given from a lat.

In fact it seems there is too , nothing with exception of the
interrogative pronouns which appear to come from Latin Since almost all
"ce" in romanian are supposed to come from a Latin "cae or ce" ( ceatsa=
smog= lat. ceacia= blind; ceapa= onion or bulb from latin caepa: cer=
lat caelus= sky, etc)" I am pretty curious where from you got these
rules, but I guess you was thinking just at the interrogative pronouns.


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