[tied] Re: celtic-getae cognates

From: m_iacomi
Message: 16800
Date: 2002-11-19

>> What do
>> Thomashek, Decev and Mateescu and/or Poghirc. say ?
>> Who are these authorities ?
> [Moeller] Thomascheck wrote "Die alten Thraken" , Decev wrote
> more article about them , Decev is a big name in bulgarian
> linguistic , Mateescu did a big work of collecting these name
> , Poghirc is too a well known romanian linguist.

Applying some straight-forward character string pattern recognition
to names canonically misquoted by Alex Moeller, one can realize that
he spoke about Wilhelm Tomaschek (1841-1901), a very well-known
Austrian linguist, and Dimiter Detschew (common spelling of his name
in German speaking area, where he published most of his works on
Thracian language, among which one should mention "Die thrakischen
Sprachreste", Wien 1957).
Incidentally, Romanian names have the correct spelling, but the guys
are less notorious than Tomaschek and Detschew. Cicerone Poghirc has
several works on Romanian substrate, and Mateescu... well, he collected
those names. :-)

Marius Iacomi

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