Re: [tied] Re: celtic-getae cognates

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 16798
Date: 2002-11-19

----- Original Message -----
From: "ravichaudhary2000" <ravi9@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:06 AM
Subject: [tied] Re: celtic-getae cognates

> What do
> Thomashek, Decev and Mateescu and/or Poghirc.
> say ?
> Who are these authorities ?
> Ravi

[Moeller] Thomascheck wrote "Die alten Thraken" , Decev wrote
more article about them , Decev is a big name in bulgarian
linguistic , Mateescu did a big work of collecting these name
, Poghirc is too a well known romanian linguist.
Trough these paralels I did not imediatly meant paralelism of
sense. Just a coincidence, indeed very big , where getic
toponims and hidronims have their cognates in celtic world.
For me , as a diletant , I see similarities among getic world
and celtic world before roman qonquest and I am not a fan of
idea all the neo latin people have something in common ( from
the linguistic point of view) just because of the roman
empire, but I think there is something more older as Rome.
I wil post an analisis of Poghirc about the name "God" in the
IE dialects and some interesting observations when I will have
time ( in week-end I hope).