From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 16636
Date: 2002-11-08
>Thanks very much, Miguel! That's very helpful to me.The convention (not always adhered to) is that Pre-X is the ancestor
>Just to clarify a couple things...
>- By "Pre-Greek" do you mean "Proto-Greek"? (The latter is the only
>term I am familiar with is why I ask.)
>- Was the "ae" diphthong in Latin pronounced as the "ai" diphthong,The spelling <ae>, <oe> indicates that the second element was more
>i.e. [ai]? Like "oi" and "oe" [oi](?), I had assumed the first for
>each simply came to be written as the second by convention. If this
>was not the case, and "ae" was qualitatively different from "ai", was
>the former [ae] and the latter [ai]? Also, did this differ from Pre-
>L to Classical-L?