Goths and OCS
From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 16453
Date: 2002-10-20
the Lingvist V. St. Draganesti explains some romanian words
trough gotic and not trough OCS.
Let see them:
rom bucher= gotic bokarei= to write
teh explanation of the word "bucher" in romanian is that the
word is a loan from OCS, where "buche" meant the name of the
second letter in the "lsavic alphabet" ( the expresion belongs
to Draganesti).The slavic word "buche" is a loanword from a
german languagea ( which one??)
rom a gati= gotic gatauian= to make, to prepare, from germanic
"tauian" with the suffix for past "ga"
In teh english poem from 1000 , "Beowulf" we find the word
gatawe= ready for fighting.Draganesti considers this word was
loaned by romanians and albanians dfrom goths and from
romanians it was loaded by slavs
gard= gotic gards, garda= house, garden .The salvic "gradu" is
consideread to be a germanic loanword ( cf. S.
Feist).Draganesti consider the slavic word gradu is a loan of
slavs from romanians.
iubit= gotic "liuba"= to love. In rom. in some words "l"
dissapier like in latin lapore= rom iepure, liberta= rom.
Draganesti doe snot exclude the posibility of romaniain "iubi=
to love beeing a evolution of latin libet= to please, to be
pleased but he thinks it is a gothic loandword because the
slavs got it too from a german language
istetz= goticul listig= clever. OCS listi,listiti with the
same meaning is considered by S. Feist to be a german word in
slavic languages.
lautar= gotic liutharies= singerRom . Lingusits thinks this is
a greek word (lauto) or a turkisch word (lauta) but Draganesti
means that is a gothic one.
leac= gotic lekeis=physician) , in Irish = liaig.In OCS we
have "leko" = remedy si "leciti"= to heal.Draganesti consider
this is a gothic word borrowed by slavs from romanians.
sticla= gotic sticls, in OCS = sticlo, cosndierat bs St. Feist
to be a loan in slavic from gothic.For Draganesti appears to
not be probably that the romanians got it from slavs after the
slavs got it from goths. He means the romanians got it from
goths ans the slavs got it from romanians.
The forming of future tense with the auxiliary verb "a voi"
( english = will), which is different from all romance
languages, is similar with the forming of future in the
germanic languages and with the same auxiliary. Example:
"allai thaiei wilenia gagudaba liban"= all those who will live
devoutly ( The second epistole of Thimoty, Ch. III, par. 12)
= in rom. toti aceia care vor trai cucernic.
The coloquial future in romanian with " to have" ( a avea)
another different patern from whta we have in the other
romance languagess, is also found in gothic. Examples:
"tharub wisan habait= there they have to be( rom acolo au sa
fie) ( J. Wright )
Pretty interesting on how slavic are the slavic loans in
romanians and if indeed these are directly gothic influences
or not.
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