From: tgpedersen
Message: 14211
Date: 2002-08-03
> On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 13:40:42 +0200, alexmoeller@... wrote:seems
> >the argument is weak indeed, but it doesnt change the situation too
> >much. If we take the old slavic word "trUgU" we have corespondents
> >without metathesis in baltic langauges too , in sweden too, so it
> >it is not a specificaly balcanic this word and I dubt the balticand the
> >sweden got it from slavs too.why the
> >But because this word is to find on such a big area , I dont see
> >rumanians and albanians to get it from slavs. Due the fact theslavs are
> >coming almost at last in the histroy, it seems more probable theywhich
> >borrowed it from somewhere else.
> In Carl Darling Buck's dictionary, Rom. târg (tîrg), Swe. torg, Dan.
> torv, Lith. turgus and Latv. tirgus are explained as borrowings from
> Slavic (Russian, Bulgarian) *trgU. About OCS trUgU, S-C trg, Cze.
> trh, Pol. targ and Russ. torg (there is in fact no metathesis in the
> Slavic word, merely different developments of syllabic *r.), it is
> said: "either cognate with or loanword fr[om] the Illyrian word
> is the source of the name Tergeste (= Triest)".Isn't the -este ending the one Albanian Illyricists used to claim for
> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> mcv@...