Re: Dental afficates in Quebec French

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 8886
Date: 2001-08-31

--- In cybalist@..., "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...> wrote:
> gibbsp:
> >Is the [dz] a representation of the voiced alveolar affricate? If
> >IMHO this is a misconception of Anglophones like you and me on
> >hearing the French /d/ and /t/, particularly before /i/.
> Not at all. I fully hear the difference between dental and alveolar
> stops. I use dentals automatically in French speech for /n/, /s/,
> /t/ and /d/.
> However, there *is* an audible difference between Quebec and
> European speech, and one of these differences sometimes lies in
> heavy afficatization of _dental_ stops in Quebecois or New
Brunswick French
> (others are a use of [I] instead of [i] in words like
> /pepite/... sorry I don't have an accent-capable computer).
> I haven't heard Europeans doing this. Both European and Quebecois
> varieties of French use dental phonemes and so this is not just a
> misinterpretation from a misinformed anglo.
> -------------------------------------------------
> gLeNny gEe

I agree. You can hear French Canadian on the French station TV5 on
cable here and you hear things like <kanadziƩ~y> (looks almost
Polish, doesn't it?). Hollywood sometimes uses French Canadians to
act as Frenchmmen. These things are a dead giveaway.


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