[tied], Re:, Tell me an ancient word for Steppe...Finally

From: Joseph S Crary
Message: 8495
Date: 2001-08-14

Mallory, In search of... and Cyril Babarev


Puhvel J, Dialectal Aspects of the Anatolian Branch of Indo-
European. In Ancient Indo-European Dialects, H Birnbaum and J. Puhvel
(ed) Berkeley 1966.

Hittite Luwian given definition
kimmara- immara- countryside

Korolev, A. Hitto-Luwian Languages. Languages of Asia and Africa,
vol. 1. Moscow, 1976.

Hittite Luwian given definition
Gimmara- immari- a field, steppe


whats your opinion on this?

JS Crary

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