Re: [tied] Affects of immigrant communities in language change
From: jpisc98357@...
Message: 8339
Date: 2001-08-06
In a message dated 8/5/01 5:01:55 AM Central Daylight Time, h5@...
writes: If I understand your last question correctly, you're asking if
Gotland was populated independently from Sweden and later was conquered by
Swedes and its population assimilated by Swedish-speaking people. I don't
know if that has happened, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen
Dear Hakan,
My suspicions, at least as confirmed by a Gothic site: Gotland, centre
of the Baltic homepage but apparantly Swedish occupation came very much
later than I thought.
Best regards, John Piscopo
PO Box 137
Western Springs, IL 60558-0137
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