Loha, copper, red: any IE cognates?

From: S.Kalyanaraman
Message: 8215
Date: 2001-08-01

It appears that Proto-Indic, Munda substratum in Bha_rata, *lu-
related to semant. 'red' and 'copper' which was later applied to
ferrite (iron) ores. The early name of the river Brahmaputra in
Sanskrit literature is 'lohitya'. Is there an IE cognate for *lu-?

Iron/Copper: *luan (Sora-Gorum); luan (Kharia), "Earlier, the
apparent similarity of luan with Indo-Aryan words meaning `iron'
(Sanskrit `loha', copper/iron, basically `red (dish) etc.) led us to
believe (prematurely) that *luan, though admittedly problematic, must
have been borrowed. In Mon-Khmer we have possible cognates in Old Mon
siu_y, `copper' and Khmer luy, `money, small change' (these from
Shorto, personal communication), and Paul benedict (personal
communication) reconstructs for his Austro-Tal *lu(y)an, `copper'.

ARK and Zide, NH, 1976, Proto-Munda cultural vocabulary: evidence for
early agriculture. In: Jenner, PN, Thompson, IC and Starosta, S.,
eds., Austro-Asiatic Studies part II, pages 1295-1334. Oceanic
Linguistics Special Publication 13, Honolulu.

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