Re: Backward Etruscan

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 7175
Date: 2001-04-20

--- In cybalist@..., "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...> wrote:
> >Here's a nice repository for *man- words:
> >
> >
> >
> >Feel free to use it.
> Hmm, a list of *man- words is nice but if they're just lumped
> without understanding their connections (or lack thereof), it
doesn't get us
> very far. I never heard of Manup before but there it is. Now it's
crazy to
> assume that Austronesian has any direct relevance to IndoEtruscan
> Rather, it appears to me that the legends that we like to attribute
> IndoEuropeans themselves (which possibly originated from the Balkan
> c.6000 BCE, says me) spread out very far out into Asia and beyond,
just as
> these myths spread easily into the MiddleEast and Africa. Even the
> present in the Mayan myths are terribly uncanny. They too not only
> "Divine Twins", called Hunahpu and Xbalanque, but they are also
heroes who
> undergo tough trials, even ending up in the underworld in
> manner, born to a self-impregnated goddess a la Virgin Mary,
Although it's now overdue, and now off-topic, I should mention that
Manup has as companion, Kulabop.


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