Messages 7100-9652 and 14000-18238 are indexed here. See Unindexed Messages for exceptions.
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Sound Change |
Scope |
or > ar | _C |
Kashubian |
bH > b / f |
Latin |
dH > b/ d / f |
Latin |
e > i | _N |
Latin |
eu > i: |
Latin |
h2o > a |
Latin |
ke > ka |
Latin |
kw > k |
Latin |
kw -> k / _{V round} |
Latin |
l > r |
Latin |
Lachmann's law – VGt > V:Ct |
Latin |
14125 , 14129 , 14138 , 14139 , 14140 , 14144 , 14145 , 14146 , 14153 , 14154 , 14155 , 14157 , 14159 |
rh1 > ra: | -C_C- |
Latin |
ai > ae |
Latin |
oi > oe |
Latin |
tl > ll |
Latin |
tl > cl |
Latin |
tn > nn |
Latin |
rl > ll |
Latin |
ae > e: |
Latin, 'rural' |
au > o: |
Latin, 'rural' |
ks > ss |
Latin, Late |
Hirt's law |
Lithuanian |
Leskien's law (final acutes shorten) |
Lithuanian |
Nieminen's law |
Lithuanian |
Lithuanian |
g > j |
Low German |
k^ > S (TBC) |
Luwian |
g^H > Ø |
Luwian |
o~ > a |
Macedonian |
cv > sp |
Median, Avestan |
kt > xt |
Modern Greek |
h > Ø |
Modern Greek |
kt > tt (TBC) |
Modern Greek – of Italy |
w- > v- |
Most IE |
7623 , 7625 , 7636 , 7637 , 7638 , 7640 , 7643 , 7658 , 7661 , 7662 , 7663 , 7664 , 7690 , 7788 |
hw > kv |
Norwegian |
hw > kw |
Norwegian |
Ur > rU |
Liquid metathesis |
Old English |
p- > k- (loans) |
Old Irish |
a-Breaking |
Old Norse |
a-Umlaut |
Old Norse |
i-Umlaut |
Old Norse |
-nt/k- > -tt/kk- |
Old Norse |
u-Breaking |
Old Norse |
u-Umlaut |
Old Norse |
w > Æ / #_o,u |
Old Norse |
j > Æ / #_o,u |
Old Norse |
wr- > r- |
Old Norse |
cv > s |
Old Persian |
accent shift |
Old Prussian |
kW > p |
Osco-Umbrian |
rj -> l |
Ossetic |
Web page last updated 15 December 2019. Index last updated 8 August 2003.
Faults may be reported to Richard Wordingham. Broken links and unreadable pages will be dealt with urgently. Indexing errors have much lower priority. Before reporting omissions, please check that the message is not listed in the list of Unindexed Messages.