"Mongolian Script Teachers Set Up Union"

From: Don Osborn
Message: 6897
Date: 2008-04-12

Saw this item via an alert for something else and thought it might be
of interest:

Мэдээ Мэдээ » English news » Education
2008-03-24 16:31:45 | | Хэвлэх | Найздаа илгээх |

Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/. Teaching the Mongolian script
in higher and secondary schools professionals have set up a National
Association of Mongolian Script Teachers.
The main task of the association, established in
context of the UN-declared International Year of Languages, is to form
in the youth a respect towards national language and culture and to
further the implementation of the law on state language passed by the
State Great Khural.
A teacher of School of Mongolian Language Studies at
the Mongolian State University, J.Bat-Ireedui has elected the
president of the National Association, and a linguist of the Institute
of Education, D.Battogtokh - the sxecutive director. The association
pursues an aim to include the Mongolian language examination into the
compulsory ones taken for enrolling in higher schools.

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