A Man Who Turned a $15,000 Stock Account INTO $3,296,000 Million AND WHAT I Learned From It I know a man who turned a $15,000 trading account into $3.3 Million. It was an amazing stroke of luck. He even admits this.
"MARK, I am no fool. I know I was just plain lucky. I don't have magical system. I am not privy to insider information. I merely gambled BIG on the right stocks at the right time. It was no different than winning the lottery. I seriously doubt I could ever repeat it."
Obviously my first question was:
"How did you manage this? What stocks did you trade and why?"
Here's what floored me. But it shouldn't have done so. His massive wealth creating principles are exactly what the big stock traders throughout history have been preaching for years.
Here's how he did it:

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