--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Wordingham" <richard@...> wrote:

> ็Have you tried googling for the language? Searching for
"ภาษาชอง" I

I'll try to enter the Thai script stuff again. (It's possible that
those who get posts as HTML mail won't have a problem.) To view,
switch to a Thai encoding.

Search string: ÀÒÒҪͧ

> I think the spelling in the new
> script of the words spelt เม์ว 'fish'(?) and
เอา 'shirt'(?) in the Thai
> script would be good initial test cases.

àÁìÇ 'fish'(?)
àÍÒ 'shirt'(?)

If this fails, cut and paste the results of the earlier efforts into
an HTML file.
