Peter wrote:

> The question wasn't how many writing systems are there, but how many languages are written.

The question, as posted, is ambigious.

> Blissymbolics isn't a writing system, and since Braille is a secondary representation of a writing system, it adds nothing to the total.

The reason for collecting the data, affects both the defintion of
'writing system", and the number.

Example 1: Writing a text editor that can handle all known languges,
uses any/all known writing systems. BlissSymbolics, Braille, etc
would have to be included in the total.

Example 2: Determing which languages to teach, soi taht a student will
not have to learn another writing system, when they learn a new
language. Depending upn the target population to learn the languages,
Braille, BlissSymbolics, etc may or may not be relevent.

>, then you might as well count Old Persian and Orkhon Runes and every

The question, as phrased, neither specifically included,
norspecifically excluded the inclusion of ancient writing systems.
Whether or not they wshould be included depends upon the purpsoe for
which the data is being collected.


Ethical conduct is a vice.
Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.