Hi Daniel, This is neat, I agree, but one still wonders why?
1) Maybe some corp. will use it for their logo with genetically
modified carp doing Busby Berkeley designs in the water for a
30-second TV spot?
2) Posh hotels using it in a device with freezer for monogrammed
3) Temperature readings on the water's surface in a hot-tub?
The possibilities boggle...
Meanwhile we're still trying to get funds for printing books in
African languages for school kids there...
--- In
qalam@yahoogroups.com, á³áá¤á á«ááᥠ(Daniel Yacob)
<dyacob@...> wrote:
> I remember some years ago being amazed when IBM managed to rendered
> their name dot-matrix style by aligning single atoms into position.
> Humans seem to have have a compulsion to write on every imaginable
> surface and with every imaginalbe tool. Is it a compulsion to write,
> or a compulsion to communicate? I wonder...
> Like the atoms, this one was a step or two beyond my imagination:
> Or is this really new? Maybe its just a new fangled watermark ;-)